Photo desk calendar stock images

We have an extensive library of free to use high resolution images that can be used to create your photo desk calendar, these images are licensed to CD Calendars and cannot be supplied directly to customers for their use. Just email us and we will provide you with low resolution copies of the images to enable a selection to be made. We are also happy to use images that you supply if our stock ones are not suitable.

Below are some examples of stock images which are available from our library.

library stock images stock image categories stock photos photo desk calendar

Our photo categories include: Animals, Flowers, Food & Drink, Landscapes & Nature,
London, Black & White, Sports, Sunsets, The Arts, Technology, Waterfalls and many more.

Alternatively, you can provide your own images for the calendar.

An order has been deemed to be placed when design and artwork has been undertaken on the customer's behalf. Artwork and design costs will be charged based on a time and materials basis for the work undertaken if it does not proceed to production. Additional charges may also apply for bespoke calendars where "print ready" artwork does not comply with our specification.